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ICS Courses

ICS Courses

The Incident Management Branch of the Coast Guard Auxiliary has created a web page with links to all kinds of ICS courses in a kind of one stop shop approach.  This web link takes you to that page - click on the "essentials" tab for links to ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800 and on the "Level One" tab for access to 210.  Feel free to take any and all of the courses that are offered. 

ICS 100 and ICS 700 should be taken by all members when they first join.  They are available on the FEMA web site at the following links -  Incident Command System 100 and Incident Command System 700.  Because these are non-Coast Guard courses you'll need to forward a scan of the passing score Email to your Flotilla Commander for inclusion into your training record.

Coxswain Candidates and others will need the following courses: 

ICS 200 The FEMA online course is here. Make sure you scan your course completion certificate, your Flotilla Commander will need to send it to DIRAUX for entry in AUXDATA - Be sure to keep a copy for your records - just in case.

ICS 800The FEMA ICS 800 Course is here. Make sure you scan your course completion certificate, your Flotilla Commander will need to send it to DIRAUX for entry in AUXDATA - Be sure to keep a copy for your records - just in case.

ICS 210 is an online course available through the Auxiliary Learning Management System - Course Code 502325 (Not FEMA).  Unlike the FEMA course, when you complete ICS 210 you will not need to do anything, completion is entered in your training record 5 to 10 days after you take the course.  But - keep the passing score Email just in case (and the system keeps a record of your completion as well).

ICS 300 and ICS 400 -- These are often offered through other agencies such as Seattle City Light, local fire departments and/or emergency management departments. Note - if you take any classroom courses through OGAs or the Coast Guard make sure you scan a copy of your course completion certificate and send it to your FC who will forward it to DIRAUX for entry in AUXDATA.